SBR Imperator Buckmarso 37/7
ABBA #: 925167
Born: August 2013
Sire: DGM King Mac Marso 150 [150/7]
Dam: SBR Montevir Imperator [170/6]
Cow Family: Sartwelle
Owned by: Sartwelle Brahman Ranch, leased by BRC
Breed Character: ★★★★★ Calving Ease: ★★★★★
Maternal: ★★★★★ Show Appeal: ★★★
Anyone who follows BRC knows that we tell it like it is. We are not into gaslighting or denial of the problems the Brahman breed faces. We believe in acknowledging them, and then fixing them.
From when we got married to about a 8-10 year period, Brandon had just reached a point of extreme irritation with problems in the breed. Having to nurse calves, cows not breeding back as fast as they should, cows not liking their babies, birthweights getting heavier and heavier to the point where it became hard to sell commercial bulls, etc.
These are all things Brahman breeders "claim" the breed does, but the truth of it is, a lot of people have to nurse Brahman calves. Most Brahman breeders just "accept" that their cow calves EVERY OTHER year rather than EVERY year. He was absolutely sick of dealing with it. He took a position that these things needed to be addressed rather than just trying to sugar coating everything and distract people with the show ring.
So, he started looking for a solution. About 2 years ago, he was visiting a customer's ranch in south Texas. This breeder had bought a variety of genetics from a lot of breeders -- from the most expensive to the cheapest. Brandon noticed that many of their "high profile" cattle were skin and bones. They hadn't had a calf yet. Quite simply they were failing as a productive beef cow although they had cost a pretty penny. Then, this breeder had a set of cows in the same pasture that were fat, had big bloomy calves at side. We asked about those cows - and he said they were from Sartwelle genetics.
Anyone who knows Brahman history knows the name Sartwelle. Most think of them as "the father of Brahman." Guy who wrote the Standard of Excellence...back when the real world traits mattered in the Brahman breed. Home of the original Imperators, a pure bloodline dating back to the early 1920s. Bloodline of Manso.
So, we said, let's go talk to Jimmy, Beth, Bubba and Sugie. We asked to lease the best bull they had, because Brandon was fervent on building a plan to restore the Brahman breed to it's true functionality. The bull they suggested was 37/8. Official name SBR IMPERATOR BUCKMARSO 37/8. Nicknamed "Jimmy" by the BRC team. Ironically, he was the sire of several of those fat, bloomy Brahman females we saw at the other ranch in Tilden.
We loaded up the bull and brought him to BRC. But, we didn't tell anyone. This was Brandon's "secret project." As visitors to the ranch would see the bull, at first they questioned what we were doing. Jimmy wasn't a show bull. Jimmy was fairly smaller framed. Jimmy had horns lol. But in 2022, Jimmy was the talk of the Houston international crowd who visited the ranch. You may have noticed that NCC Brahmans of Australia recently acquired the Australian rights to Jimmy.
As we explained to people that this bull was brought in to lower birthweights, add milk, increase fertility, increase libido, increase longevity....people started catching on. Their eyes would light up. Then, they would sheepishly admit that they too have noticed a decline in these functional traits when they used USA genetics in their own operations around the world. Every person who saw Jimmy appreciated the fact that we were taking this bull and matching him with the BRC cow power. They applauded us for taking the step to work on it.
Jimmy has been a joy for us. First, we found out he liked to breed cows at night. Second, we found out he is a little bull but he has a big spirit. In fact, although he's probably a frame score 5 - he bowed right up to Noble (frame score 11 probably) and showed him who was the new bull in town. He would stand at the fence and literally "snort" at any bull that came by. Because you know what - a Brahman bull is supposed to be a man. He's supposed to have testosterone. A Brahman bull isn't meant to be in a petting zoo. He's meant to travel the pastures of the gulf coast and cover his cows and protect his ground. These are some of the traits that we loved, because he really and truly has "the Brahman spirit". As the Standard of Excellence says: alert but docile.
In the fall of 2021, Mr. Bubba passed away. We had joked with him that he was going to show the calf at side at Houston when we started showing the Jimmy calves. He did not get to see the Jimmy calves ever born at BRC. But, everyone in the Brahman world will get to see those at Houston this year when they see the calves at side of our cow/calf pairs in the BRC show string. As we expected, the calves are low birthweight, they get up and nurse instantly, and they are full of vigor. They're what a Brahman is supposed to be.
Today when Brett Nobbs announced his purchase of the Australian rights to Jimmy, we felt it was the time to share our story of "Jimmy" with the world. We are very thankful to the Sartwelle family for giving us the opportunity to use this bull. Now, the Sartwelles are offering the opportunity for others to use the bull as well. Brahman Country Genetics will be handling the semen sales on this bull, and today already, we have sold over 200 units in an hour.
Friends, this is what happens when breeders who truly care about the future of the Brahman breed WORK TOGETHER. You get the best of both worlds. You get new bloodlines, you get fresh genetics. We are excited about Jimmy and hope you are too!
Contact Us
BRC Ranch Business Office
1730 North Richmond
Wharton, TX 77488
BRC Ranch Headquarters
10406 FM 1301
Boling, TX 77420
Phone: 979-532-9141
Fax: 979-532-9977
Email: rachel@brcutrer.com
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All BRC Brahmans are DNA tested and guaranteed for pedigree accuracy.
Proudly Supplying the Best in Brahman Genetics to Breeders Worldwide