Asuncion, Paraguay
By: Keaton Dodd
BRC Genetics found their way to the winners circle once again at the 2022 World Brahman Congress, held in Paraguay. Of the cattle exhibited that were sired by American genetics, BRC had the second most division champions and reserves. J.D. Hudgins, Inc. genetics claimed the most division wins and reserves amongst the USA breeders. This ranch has had a tremendous longstanding relationship with Paraguay breeders and we congratulate them on their success. We are very proud that BRC genetics were the next winningest bloodline represented.
We are extremely proud to have our genetics represented world wide, and to see their success at such a prestigious international event. We enjoyed the coverage of the 2022 World Brahman Congress and want to send our sincere gratitude to the Paraguay Brahman Association and Breeders for such an impressive set of cattle and a well managed event.
Grey Brahman Show
Judged by: Steve Hudgins & Collin Hudgins


BRC Sire Groups Represented in WBC 22’ Champions
- BRC +Noble 458/7- two Class Winners, a Division Champion, as well as a Reserve Division Champion.
- BRC’s 259/7- Class winner and Reserve Division Champion
In addition, two BRC bulls were selected for the special Brahman Stars sale held at this event. Boombox semen sold at $6 million guaranis, and Dutton semen sold at $5.5 million guaranis.
Thank you to all of the BRC customers, especially those who used our genetics and represented them well at the 2022 World Brahman Congress in Paraguay. For more information on the program and how to implement BRC genetics, please visit or call 979-532-9141.