+BRC Noble 458/7 Named #1 Sire of Champions in the USA for the 3rd Straight Year

March 17, 2021

+BRC Noble 458/7 has been named the #1 top producing sire of champions on the 2020 Show Circuit for the third consecutive year, announced The Brahman Journal in their March 2021 publication.

Noble earned a total of 405 points from 42 progeny on the ABBA show circuit from January 2020 to December 2020. This was double the amount of points from the next closest sire, which was +Mr. V8 380/6. The full ranking is as follows:

  1. Noble – 405 points
  2. +Mr. V8 380/6 – 202 points
  3. +Mr. H Maddox Manso 684 – 150 points
  4. +JBR Mr 07/04 TE – 128 pointes
  5. Walters Hollis 417/8 – 93 points

Some of Noble’s notable progeny wins for 2020 include:

  • Sire of the 2020 Houston Grand Champion Female
  • Sire of the 2020 Houston Grand Champion Bull
  • Sire of the 2020 Houston Reserve Grand Champion Female
  • Sire of the 2020 All American Grand Champion Female

Noble is bred by BRC and owned by BRC, J.D. Hudgins Locke Division, and SRS Land and Cattle. For semen inquiries contact office@brcutrer.com.

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