Tampico, Mexico
Rachel Cutrer, co-owner of B.R. Cutrer, Inc., served as the official judge of the 2022 AMCC Mexico National Brahman Show in Tampio. She judged over 250 head of Red Brahman bulls and females in the show, along with Hernando Guerra of Mexico who served as the judge of the Grey Brahman division.

This judging assignment was a milestone for both Cutrer and AMCC, in an effort to recognize the importance of women’s role in Brahman cattle breeding and judging. Rachel is one of the early woman pioneers of judging cattle in Mexico.
“At the Houston Livestock Show this year, I was approached by a group of Mexican leaders, including Governor Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, about the importance of women in the cattle business in the United States, Mexico, and the world,” Rachel said. The group inquired about her possible interest in judging their National Show, and Rachel agreed.
Rachel’s name was then presented to the members of the AMCC (Mexico’s cattleman’s association), on the judges ballot along with 3 total names for selection as the official judge of the show. Rachel was selected by the Mexican breeders to serve as the official judge. She travelled to Tampico in late April to judge the show.
“I have many fond memories of great business deals with many Mexican breeders through the last 20 years,” Rachel said. “It was a tremendous honor – probably one of the highest of my life – to be selected to showcase women’s ability in the cattle business. The cattle at the show were simply phenomenal. I applaud all of the Mexican breeders for their commitment to breeding only the best in Red Brahman. Every single animal at the show was one of excellent quality that can be used as a great breeding tool in the country.”
Rachel is an approved judge of the American Brahman Breeders Association and represented ABBA on this trip.
“Although I’ve always been very active in the cattle breeding, and cattle showing, and management, I was always told that only the men should judge shows,” Rachel said.
“I was encouraged to judge showmanships – which I’ve done nearly every national breed showmanship contest in the USA – but told to stay out of judging actual shows and leave that to the men. I didn’t like it and I always felt annoyed when I was told my place was in ‘showmanship’ only,” she admitted.
“Last year, I was very frustrated with the lack of integrity of several of the so-called judges on the Brahman circuit, and, a lack of judges who cared about important Brahman traits like breed character. I thought though, I have no business complaining if I’m not willing to get out there and judge myself though. So, I said, ‘I need to step up.’ and I did.”
“There are many great young women judges on the show circuit that I truly respect and admire, like Ashley Wagner, Amanda Schnoor, Kylee Patterson, and a lot of these young women are what inspired me to stop listening to those old voices in my head and get out there and do it,” Rachel added.
Video on Mexican TV Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9EeslkADcM